Taiwan has lots of really delicious food to eat. Here's a few photos of some of the strange, interesting and sometimes kind of scary foods that I tried while in Taiwan.
And if anyone is interested, no, I did not eat the stinky tofu. I don't care what what people say, anything that smells that bad can not be good for you.

Beef Noodle Soup.

The white stuff is Tofu. The green black thing is a hundred year old egg, which is an egg that has been soaked in evil. Actually, it's egg that has been soaked for weeks or months in a mud like mixture, which sounds almost as bad as being soaked in evil.


Fried Mushrooms.

Shrimp, Bamboo, Noodle Soup, Noodles, and the really unpleasant looking one in front is Pork, which was pretty good.


Meat Filled Bun.

I have no idea, but I was told that it was a really famous dish.