Thursday, April 9, 2009

Japan - Kanamara Matsuri (Festival of the Steel Phallus)

Japan has many interesting and amazing things to see and do, some are even a bit strange...this is the strangest thing I've seen so far. This past weekend I went to the annual Shinto fertility festival held in Kawasaki called Kanamara Matsuri (Festival of the Steel Phallus).

The festival dates back to the Edo period (1603-1867) when prostitutes prayed for good business and protection from disease.

Somewhere behind all of the guys with cameras is a lady sitting on a giant wooden penis.

Unfortunately this is the best photo I have of someone riding the giant penis.

She's feeling the power of a giant penis.

Yes, that's a gianormous pink penis sticking up out of the crowd. What's even stranger is that the pink penis's name is Elizabeth.

This kid is going to need lots of consoling when he grows up. He'll have strange nightmares about giant black penises and he won't understand why.

The penises head out of the shrine for a parade around town.

The penis parade heading down the main street of town.

These guys were carving penises out of vegetables. The vegi-penises were later auctioned off to raise money for AIDS research.

These two are obviously impressed by the skilled carving.

This guy is just a little bit too weird.


  1. i like how in the pic with the guy in the red shirt riding it - the guy in front of the wooden shaft is wearing a mask

  2. I'm astonished by reality of this penis.In Japan, sometimes this penis is called '金精様'(konseisama) and sacred.

  3. I bin in Japan ,Travel al of the world ,it is the biggest and best city of the world!
