The line from to catch the shuttle bus from the train station is not too bad this year, only about 10 minutes, much better then the crazy long line from last year.

Arriving at Fuji Rock. The weather is a bit overcast and cloudy, but not too bad.

Panorama of the main stage. For the bigger bands this whole area is packed with people.

A one man band. One of the cool things a Fuji Rock is some of the smaller stages and performers scattered around.

The rain has come.

Rain, rain go away!

Some mosh pit action for Ken Yokoyama at the main stage.

Flaming Ninja?

Them Crooked Vultures on the main stage. They were not doing anything for me, so time to wander around and see who else is playing.

Broken Social Scene on the Red Marquee Stage. They seemed to be trying to see how many people they could squeeze onto the stage.

Muse, time for the main band of the day.

Muse put on a really great show.
that looks pretty damn cool